THE 9 best places TO instruct ENGLISH overseas

Last Updated: 2/2/2020 | February 2nd, 2020

Every year, tens of thousands of people go overseas and instruct English. young and old, they opt for numerous reasons: to learn about a new culture, make some money to travel, seek adventure, or just experience something new.

The time I spent teaching English overseas in Asia was life-changing. In Thailand and Taiwan, I learned that I could make friends and start a life in a unusual place, as well as adapt and flourish in a different culture. It gave me a confidence that nothing else before had ever done. It helped make me a better version of me.

Yet, with seemingly millions of places to teach, many people often wonder: where are the best places to instruct English overseas? What countries offer the best experience, pay, or benefits? Here’s my list of where to score a fun, rewarding, and well-paying job teaching English overseas:


Coreea de Sud


Orientul Mijlociu






Teaching English Online

1. South Korea

South Korea is one of the best places — if not the best — to instruct English overseas. jobs are abundant, the pay averages $1,600-2,600 USD per month, and you get awesome benefits, like a contract completion bonus, totally free housing, and airfare reimbursement.

A lot of recent college graduates are attracted to Korea because of the money, benefits, and the fact that Korea takes numerous first-time teachers. If you don’t have any experience, this country is one of the best options for you. As a place to live, Korea has plenty of things going for it: the food is delicious, the country is dirt cheap, and the people are friendly.

Plus you will find lots of other international young expats there. because you earn so much money in a country with such a low cost of living, many people leave having paid off a substantial portion of their debts! You could easily walk away after a year of teaching with your loans (school or non-school) paid off and money for travel!

2. Japan

Japan has a credibility for good jobs which implies it also attracts as numerous people as South Korea. though the years of easily teaching in Japan and making quick cash are long, long over, people prepared to stay at least a year can typically save a substantial sum of money.

While the cost of living can eat up a lot of your salary, especially in Tokyo, there are a number of programs out there (including the government’s JET program) that reward long-term teachers with generous benefits and completion bonuses.

Additionally, the Japanese are extremely friendly and polite, the food is unlimited gourmet heaven, and the culture is unique. It’s one of my favorite countries in the world.

3. The middle East

The middle east lures numerous teachers in for one reason: its salary packages. middle Eastern countries offer extremely large salaries (up to $70,000 USD per year for an experienced teacher), lots of benefits, and no taxes. A teacher can walk away with around $40,000 USD after one year.

However, this is no place for the recent college graduate. These countries want certified and experienced teachers. If you couldn’t instruct at a public school in your home country, you have little chance of getting a job in this part of the world. As such, many of the teachers here are older and much more settled and have families.

Dubai, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia are the most popular destinations for teaching English in this region.

4. Thailand

Thailand attracts lots of young and new teachers with its cheap cost of living, warm beautiful weather, tropical beaches, mouth-watering food, and party atmosphere.

Most of the language school teachers are ex-travelers wanting to save for future travels…or travelers who thought they were doing that but ended up never leaving. The pay in Thailand isn’t that high ($1,000–1,500 USD per month), unless you instruct in Bangkok or at an international school.

However, teaching English in Thailand isn’t about making lots of money — it’s about everything else: the ease of getting a job, the food, the fun-loving atmosphere, the weather, and everything in between. It’s one of the best destinations for young, new teachers, especially in a larger city, because you’ll fit best in.

5. China

As China rises in global stature, its need for English teacher grows as much more and much more citizens need to know the language for their job. Moreover, the culture puts an emphasis on learning it. As such, it is one of the easiest places to find work. No matter where you go, you can find work, even in saturated cities like Beijing and Shanghai.

You can earn a good salary teaching English here (upward of $1,500-2,000 USD a month), and numerous jobs give completion bonuses, totally free housing, and airfare reimbursement.

China is the brave new world and a country in constant change. It’s a good location for teachers of all abilities — there’s sOmetic pentru toată lumea acolo!

6. Praga.

Praga, capitala Republicii Cehe, are o ofertă aparent abundentă de locuri de muncă de predare. Orașul a crescut în dimensiuni în ultimii ani, atrăgând o varietate de start-up-uri și expatrii tehnologice, care a creat mult mai multe oportunități de angajare pentru profesori.

Deși este foarte greu să obțineți un loc de muncă în sistemul școlii publice sau în o universitate, există o mulțime de școli de limbi străine în oraș pentru a alege de la. Plata nu este la fel de mare ca și alte țări din lume și există puține beneficii (mai ales în comparație cu Asia sau Orientul Mijlociu), dar tu ești o aruncătură de piatră de la tot în Europa.

Orașul este unul dintre cele mai frumoase, vibrante, distractive și populare orașe din Europa, ceea ce îl face pe Praga o bază centrală remarcabilă, din care să exploreze continentul.

7. Spania

Predarea în Spania este una dintre cele mai bune oportunități pentru oricine care dorește să lucreze în Europa. Există o mulțime de locuri de muncă, guvernul are un program activ pentru atragerea profesorilor, iar vizele dvs. implică că puteți călători liber în Europa.

Există, de asemenea, numeroase oportunități de a instrui lecții private de partea laterală. Nu primiți numeroase beneficii (sau plăți mari în comparație cu Asia sau Orientul Mijlociu), dar salariul este încă suficient pentru a trăi.

8. Taiwan.

Taiwan este o țară remarcabilă pentru a instrui limba engleză, datorită multor oportunități de angajare (deși au tendința de a fi cu copii mici), salarii mari, beneficii similare cu Coreea de Sud și o mulțime de ceilalți tineri cadre didactice pentru a împărtăși o viață socială. Țara pune o mare importanță pentru învățarea limbii engleze și veți putea găsi oportunități de tutore independente, în afară de munca dvs. de predare obișnuită și stabilă!

Mi-a plăcut timpul în Taiwan, am făcut niște prieteni fantastici și am adaptat la o cultură complet nouă.

9. Predarea limbii engleze online

Acesta a fost ceva care nu exista atunci când învăța. Datorită internetului, nu mai trebuie să fiți legați de o locație pentru a instrui că predarea online devine mult mai populară ca o modalitate de a face bani în timp ce lucrați de la distanță. Platformele cum ar fi CAMBLY și Italki nu au nevoie nici de diplome de predare. Plata nu este mare, dar este ceva care vă poate câștiga suficienți bani pentru a continua călătoriile.

Am avut o mulțime de distracție învață în străinătate. Era pe experiențele mele preferate pe drum și ma învățat atât de mult despre mine. Îți dobândești o mulțime de perspectivă asupra vieții trăind într-o altă cultură.
Deși există o oportunitate de a instrui oriunde engleza nu este limba maternă, destinațiile de mai sus atrage cele mai importante mulțimi, oferă cele mai bune salarii, cele mai bune avantaje și sunt cele mai distractive.

Dacă vă gândiți să deveniți un profesor de engleză în străinătate, îndrumarea mea este să vă îndreptați spre una dintre aceste destinații și faceți-o!

Sunteți gata să faceți bani în străinătate? Obțineți ghidul meu extins

Acest ghid digital vă va pune înaintea competiției dvs., vă va ajuta să aterizați un loc de muncă mare cu o companie de încredere și să vă oferiți cunoștințe de primă mână de la profesori reali! Începeți astăzi cu acest PDF descărcabil (pentru computer, e-cititor sau dispozitiv mobil) cu cartea plus 12 interviuri despre viață ca profesor, plus îndrumare de locuri de muncă de la unul dintre cei mai buni recrutorii de top din industrie!

Descărcați Ebook.

Rezervați călătoria: sugestii logistice și trucuri
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Puteți rezerva pensiunea cu HostelWorld. Dacă doriți să rămâneți undeva decât o pensiune, utilizați, deoarece acestea returnați în mod constant cele mai accesibile tarife pentru pensiuni și hoteluri.

Nu uitați asigurarea de călătorie
Asigurarea de călătorie vă va proteja împotriva bolilor, rănirii, furtului și anulării. Este o protecție extinsă în cazul în care ceva nu merge bine. Nu merg niciodată într-o excursie fără ea, așa cum a trebuit să-l folosesc de nenumărate ori în trecut. Companiile mele preferate care oferă cel mai bun serviciu și valoare sunt:

Satiu de siguranță (cel mai bun pentru toată lumea)

Asigurați-mi călătoria (pentru cei peste 70 de ani)

MedJet (pentru acoperire suplimentară de evacuare)

Sunteți gata să vă rezervați călătoria?
Check out pagina de resurse pentru cele mai bune companii de utilizat atunci când călătoriți. Listați toate cele pe care le folosesc când călătoresc. Ele sunt cele mai bune din clasă și nu puteți merge prost folosind ele în călătoria dvs.

20 cele mai bune lucruri pe care să le interpreteze în Nagasaki

în afara, cerul grele au început deja ploaie, totuși în interiorul muzeului, inimile erau la fel de grele. M-am uitat în jur, precum și toată lumea avea ochii care se usucă. Nu a durat mult înainte ca cineva sărută în lacrimi. A fost o zi plină de bucurie, să stați cel puțin.

Ceea ce ne-a împins la lacrimi era o imagine a unui tânăr băiat aduce pe spatele său corpul fără viață al fratului său, chiar înainte de a fi aruncat de incinerarea se termină în urma bomtului atomic al lui Nagasaki. A fost doar una dintre numeroasele povești care ne-au impact în timp ce am explorat orașul. Din conturile persecuției creștine la ororile celui de-al doilea război mondial, istoria lui Nagasaki este imortalizată în muzeele sale, precum și în biserici.

Dar, desigur, există mult mai mult pentru Nagasaki decât trecutul său zgâriat. La fel ca multe destinații japoneze, este bogat în tradiție. Cu toate acestea, se poate observa rapid cât de distinct este. Imprinturile străine sunt mult mai pronunțate, bucătăria lui este un pic offbeat, precum și fiecare atracție spune o poveste interesantă. Da, Nagasaki are o mulțime de povestiri de spus, precum și acestea sunt povestiri pe care le putem descoperi de la.

Iată câteva dintre cele mai bune locații pentru a vedea, precum și a lucrurilor de interpretat în Nagasaki.

Ce este acoperit în acest ghid?

Muzeul de bombe atomice
Nagasaki Memorial Park.
Nagasaki Hypolenter Park.
Huis zece Bosch
Insula Battleship (Gunkanjima)
Muzeul digital GUNKANJIMA
Grădină Glover.
Mount Inasa.
Douăzeci și șase de monumente, precum și muzeul
Ōura biserica, precum și muzeul creștin
Nakamachi Biserica Catolică
Nagasaki Chinatown.
Festivalul Nagasaki Lantern
Sara Udon (taitei crocante)
Kakuni Manju (Bunuri de porc)
Rice turcească (orezul Toruko)
Caketul Castella.
Arcade Hamano-Machi (Strada de cumpărare Hamamachi)
Cum să ajungi la Nagasaki
Cum să ajungi la Fukuoka
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Muzeul de bombe atomice

Fântâna de pace
Nagasaki este unul dintre primele orașe din Japonia pe care am descoperit-o când eram copil. Bomboanele atomice ale lui Hiroshima, precum și Nagasaki au fost discutate în detaliu în manualele noastre de istorie.

Bombardarea lui Nagasaki este sărbătorită la Muzeul Bombei Atomice, care face parte din Parcul de Pace Nagasaki, un complex care include și Parcul Memorial, precum și Parcul Hipocenter. Muzeul avertizează vizitatorii impactului devastator al războiului cu imagini, precum și alte afișaje.

Taxa de admitere a muzeului: ¥ 200

Orele de deschidere a muzeului: 8:30 – 18:30 (mai – august); 8:30 – 5:30 (septembrie – aprilie); Închis pe 29-31 decembrie

Cea mai apropiată stație: stația Muzeului Atomic Bomb (Tramvai / Streetcar 1 sau 3) sau stația JR Urakami (tren). Din stația de tramvai, vă va duce la aproximativ cinci minute pe jos pentru a ajunge la muzeu.

Nagasaki Memorial Park.

Statuie de pace
De asemenea, parte a complexului Park din Nagasaki, Parcul Memorial Homes Statuia de pace, fântâna de pace, precum și numeroase alte lucrări de artă din întreaga lume, toate susținând mesajul Păcii al parcului.

În fiecare an, în fața statuii de pace, ceremonia memorială de pace se desfășoară pe 9 august, mult mai mult de 70 de ani de la acea zi fundamentală a bombardamentului înapoi în 1945.

Cea mai apropiată stație: stația JR Urakami, precum și stația Park Peace (Tramvai / Streetcar 1 sau 3). Din stația de tramvai, este la doar o scurtă plimbare de Parcul Memorial.

Nagasaki Hypolenter Park.

Nagasaki Hypolenter Park.
Situat în inima Complexului Park Peace, Hyocenter Park este locul exact al exploziției de bombe atomice din Nagasaki, pe 9 august 1945. În prezent, un monolit negru se află înalt, marcând hipocentrul.

Câțiva pași de la Monolith se află ruinele transportate ale ceea ce a folosit pentru a fi stâlpul vechiului catedrală Urakami, un punct de reper esențial pentru creștinii din Nagasaki.

Cea mai apropiată stație: stația JR Urakami, precum și stația Park Peace (Tramvai / Streetcar 1 sau 3). Din stația de tramvai, este la doar o scurtă plimbare de Parcul Memorial.


Din 1639 până la 1859 sub Tokugawa Shogunate, Japonia era în izolare. Nagasaki a fost singurul oraș port care a rămas disponibil la comerțul exterior, în special cu portughez, precum și olandezii. Acest lucru discută de ce Nagasaki are mari amprente străine mult mai vizibile în jurul orașului chiar și la fel de mult ca în această zi.

Dejima a fost o insulă sintetică dezvoltată în anii 1600 pentru comercianții portughezi acasă, precum și separarea acestora de restul populației, precum și limitarea activităților lor misionare. Când au fost loviți, a ajuns să fie o publicări de tranzacționare pentru afacerea olandeză de India până la mijlocul anilor 1800.

Astăzi, nu mai este o insulă de la zona care o separă de continent a fost recuperată. Cu toate acestea, numeroasele structurilor sale au fost fie păstrate sau reconstruite, făcându-l un muzeu uriaș, unde puteți descoperi despre istoria sa.

Taxa de admitere: ¥ 520 (adult) / ¥ 100-200 (studenți)

Orele de funcționare: 8:00 – 9:00

Cea mai apropiată stație: stația JR Nagasaki, precum și stația Dejima (TRAm/Streetcar 1). It’s just a short walk from the tram station.

Huis zece Bosch

The Netherlands has some history with Nagasaki. like the Portuguese, the Dutch were enabled by the Japanese to trade in Nagasaki from the 16th to 19th century. Dejima likewise ended up being the trading publish for the Dutch east India Company. Yet, it’s still quite unexpected to discover a Holland-inspired style park in Nagasaki — Huis ten Bosch.

Image through Klook
Huis ten Bosch is a style park in Sasebo City, approximately 1.5 hours from Nagasaki City. The general style of the location was modeled after a Dutch town, total with windmills, canals, Dutch-style buildings, as well as if your timing is right, tulips.

It is the sibling resort of Laguna ten Bosch in Gamagori City in Aichi prefecture. Both parks were previously handled by one more business up until H.I.S., which is a major player in Japan’s travel industry, took over.

Entrance fee: ¥7000 (adult)
Hours open: 9/10am-10pm
Nearest station: Huis ten Bosch Station


Insula Battleship (Gunkanjima)

Officially called Hashima, this abandoned island 15 kilometers off the coastline of the city is commonly nicknamed Battleship Island (Gunkanjima) since it resembles, well, a Japanese battleship.

Image through Klook
In 1810, coal was found near the island. When an undersea mine was recognized in 1887, people transferred to the island as well as a neighborhood took shape. At one point, this 6-hectare island had over 5000 inhabitants, making it one of the most densely populated area in history. When the resources depleted, people moved out up until it was totally abandoned as well as closed in 1974.

Today it is one of Japan’s Meiji industrial transformation sites, inscribed on the UNESCO world Heritage list. For now, you can’t set foot on the island since of the damage by a typhoon, however you can get close by boat as well as admire from a risk-free distance.

How to get there: a number of business offer Battleship Island tours. If you book with Klook, the satisfy up is at Gunkanjima digital Museum. Nearest station is Oura Cathedral Station.


Muzeul digital GUNKANJIMA

If you’re not up for a boat trip, you can still discover much more about Battleship Island in the comfort of a museum. The Gunkanjima digital museum utilizes contemporary innovation to let you appreciate history better. with projection mapping as well as huge screens, you can be transported to the time when the island was occupied as well as the mining neighborhood was thriving.

If you desire to go on a boat trip to the actual site, select one that departs from the Gunkanjima digital museum so you might see the museum before you head off to the island. This way, you can have much better appreciation of the destination.

Entrance fee: ¥1,800
Hours open: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Nearest Station: Oura Cathedral Station.

Grădină Glover.

Another area included in the “Sites of Japan’s Meiji industrial Revolution: Iron as well as Steel, Shipbuilding as well as Coal Mining” is the former Glover Residence, the centerpiece of Glover Garden. It is likewise inscribed on the listing of UNESCO world Heritage Sites.

Glover garden is a park as well as open-air museum named after Thomas Blake Glover, a Scottish trader who transferred to Nagasaki in 1859 as well as ended up being a essential figure in the industrialization of Japan.

The home is currently undergoing remodelling as well as closed to the public up until November 2020, however there are still other structures to see right here including the former Mitsubishi second dock home as well as the statues of Madame Butterfly opera composer Giacomo Puccini as well as singer Miura Tamaki. It is in some cases nicknamed Madame Butterfly House.

From the park, you can likewise delight in breathtaking views of Nagasaki harbor.

Nearest station: Oura Cathedral. It’s only a five-minute walk from there.

Mount Inasa.

Speaking of breathtaking views…

Mount Inasa or Inasayama provides visitors a spectacular view of the Nagasaki Harbor. The vista is so spectacular that it is hailed one of three many spectacular night views in Japan (along with Mt. Hakodate as well as Kobe) as well as one of three finest night views of the world (along with Monaco as well as Hong Kong).

The finest time to go is at dusk when you can see both the breathtaking sunset as well as night view. other attractions right here are the Hikari Tunnel, Hikari Monument, guarantee Heart (for lovers!), Hikari Restaurant, as well as the Nagasaki Ropeway.

If you desire to take the ropeway, right here are the fares:

One Way: ¥730 (Adult) / ¥520 (Middle & HS) / ¥410 (Child)

Round Trip: ¥1,250 (Adult) / ¥940 (Middle & HS) / ¥620 (Child)

Admission Fee: FREE

Nearest Station: Takaramachi station (Tram/Streetcar 1 or 3). You can likewise catch a bus from Nagasaki Station. From Nagasaki station, take the Nagasaki Bus path 3 or 4 to Ropeway-mae Bus Stop. From the Ropeway Bus STop, mergeți la aproximativ 2 minute la stația Fuchi Jinjya Ropeway. Luați călătoria de 5 minute la Summit. Pentru cei care nu doresc să ia coarda, puteți să urcați autobuzul spre stația de autobuz Inasayama, precum și apoi excursia la summit timp de aproximativ 15 minute. Există o plimbare cu autobuzul complet gratuit de la stația de autobuz INASAYAMA direct la zona de observatori la weekend, precum și sărbătorile.

Douăzeci și șase de monumente, precum și muzeul

Una dintre influențele majore pe care europenii le-au dat Nagasaki este creștinismul. În 1549, Jesuit Dad Francis Xavier a condus primul obiectiv în Japonia. La început, guvernul le-a oferit consimțământul la cumpărare pentru a consolida relațiile europene.

Dar, înainte de sfârșitul anilor 1500, au interzis noua credință, precum și au început să persecut creștinii. Printre ei erau 26 de credincioși (20 de japonezi, precum și șase străini), inclusiv Sfântul Paul Miki. Ei au fost arestați în Osaka, precum și la Kyoto, obligați să marcheze pe zăpadă toată metoda către Nagasaki, precum și răstigniți pe dealul Nishizaka în fața unei mulțimi uriașe.

Astăzi, dealul este locul monumentului, precum și muzeul dedicat acestor 26 de martiri.

Cea mai apropiată stație: stația JR Nagasaki, precum și stația Nagasaki (tramvai / streetcar 1 sau 3). Va dura aproximativ 10 minute pe jos pentru a ajunge la muzeu, precum și monumentul de la stație.

Ōura biserica, precum și muzeul creștin

Un alt site dezvoltat în onoarea celor 26 de martiri este Biserica Oura, înțeleasă oficial ca Bazilica celor douăzeci și șase de mucenici sfinți din Japonia. Biserica originală, mai ușoară a fost dezvoltată de Koyama Hideenoshin sub supravegherea misionarului francez Bernard Petitjean. Când a fost finalizată în 1864, creștinii japonezi care se ascundea au început să meargă la biserică în mii. Astăzi, rămâne o bazilică de lucru romano-catolică.

Biserica Oura este, de asemenea, înscrisă în listarea Patrimoniului Mondial UNESCO ca fiind unul dintre locurile creștine ascunse din regiunea Nagasaki. În continuare, este muzeul creștin, care povestește istoria creștinismului în Japonia.

Nakamachi Biserica Catolică

O altă casă catolică esențială de cult în Nagasaki este Biserica Nakamachi, a găsit la doar o scurtă plimbare de stația JR Nagasaki.

Biserica a fost dedicată celor 16 martiri, care este un grup diferit de cei 26 de martiri onorați la Biserica Oura. Cei 16 martiri au fost torturați, precum și efectuați în jur de 30 de ani de la 26. Acest grup include Sf. Thomas Nishi, primul preot dominican japonez, precum și Sfântul Lorenzo Ruiz, primul sfânt filipino. Spre deosebire de cele mai importante 26 care au fost răstignite, au fost spânzurate cu susul în jos deasupra unei groapă.

Biserica a fost dezvoltată în 1896, totuși a fost distrusă când bomba atomică a fost abandonată în Nagasaki. Apoi a fost reconstruită. Astăzi, un monument al celor 16 martiri se află în grădina bisericii.

Cea mai apropiată stație: stația JR Nagasaki

Nagasaki Chinatown.

Mai bine înțeles ca Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown, acesta este cel mai vechi Chinatown din Japonia. De asemenea, a folosit pentru a fi o insulă, totuși, în cele din urmă a ajuns să fie parte a continentului după reclamații. În timp ce portughezii, precum și olandezii au fost permise doar să rămână în Dejima, marinarii chinezi, precum și vânzătorii au fost desemnați această zonă pentru a rămâne, precum și a face afaceri.

Au existat și o serie de limitări ale acestora, totuși nu la fel de mult ca și omologii lor europeni. Din acest sens, au avut un efect mult mai mare asupra culturii, în special asupra alimentelor. Numeroasele delicatese regionale ale lui Nagasaki au influență chineză, despre care voi vorbi în secțiunile următoare.

Astăzi, veți descoperi o mare parte din restaurantele chineze, precum și magazine din această parte a orașului Nagasaki. Zona este destul de mică în comparație cu alte Chinatowns pe care le-am vizitat, totuși este bine numit.

Festivalul Nagasaki Lantern

Cea mai mare sărbătoare a lanternă din Japonia, sărbătoarea Nagasaki Lantern are loc timp de 15 zile în jurul Anului Nou Chinezesc. Zeci de nenumărate felinare sunt puse pe afișaj, încurajând o atmosferă mare și plină de bucurie. Evenimentul a utilizat pentru a fi sărbătorit numai de populația chineză a orașului, cu toate acestea, a fost în cele din urmă observată de întregul oraș.

În afară de ornamentele lanterne, se așteaptă să vadă procesiunea Mazu, parada împăratului, precum și leul, precum și dansurile dragonului!


Cele mai multe orașe japoneze se mândresc cu propriile versiuni de semnături ale Ramenului. Chiar aici, în Nagasaki, localnicii își aleg bolurile pline de Champon!

Nu am reușit să fac o fotografie a Champonului pe care o aveam în Nagasaki de când eram foame, Haha. Deci, iată o imagine a lui Champon dintr-o restanță în Fukuoka.
Champon (sau Chanpon) este un vas de supă de tăiței. De asemenea, ea utilizează ramenul (taitei trase), totuși sunt mai gros decât de obicei. Bulionul, realizat cu porc, precum și oasele de păsări de curte, este, de asemenea, mai gros în consistența – c

13 locations to go to in central JAPAN in spring (including Cherry blossoms Spots)

It’s no secret that we adore Japan! To this day, it stays our many went to country. In fact, when the pandemic first reared its unsightly head in 2020, we were arranged to complete setting foot in ALL its prefectures. It was one of our big trips that got cancelled. but you know what, it’s the new year! Our really hopes were down when 2021 started, but this time around around, we’re selecting to be optimistic. So as early as now, we’re declaring it! This year, we’ll be returning to Japan as soon as the country reopens to tourists.

But where to go when it happens? We’ve been to almost all the regions but there’s one that lives in our heads rent-free. It’s always the setting in our daydreams and the first to appear when the Land of the Rising sun is discussed – Chubu Region.

Also understood as central Japan, it is often thought about the heart of the country, thanks to its location and a strong clinging to tradition. We’ve been here five times and we don’t mind returning again and again because (1) it’s a huge area covering spectacular highlands, throwback towns, and heritage sites; (2) there’s just so much to see and do; and (3) you can find many remarkable hidden areas in central Japan.

Hopefully, when Japan opens its doors again, it’ll be in time for spring because it’s the most delightful season! The temperature is comfortable, food aplenty, flowers abloom, and oh, cherry blossoms!

We’re utilizing this downtime to plan our trip so we messaged our contacts at central Japan tourism for the very best attractions to enjoy in spring, presuming Japan is open by then. based on their recommendations, here’s our list so far!

Ce este acoperit în acest ghid?

1. Cherry blossom areas in Nagoya
2. Cormorant fishing at Kawaramachi, Gifu City
3. Udatsu wall historical District, Mino City
4. Takayama Old Town
5. spring in Shirakawa-go
6. Iwasehama Beach, Toyama
7. Seasonal seafood in Toyama
8. Tonami Tulip Park
9. Cherry blossom areas in Kanazawa
10. Kanazawa’s Gold leaf Ice Cream
11. Rojo Park in Komatsu City
12. Asuwa River Cherry Blossoms, Fukui City
13. Awara Onsen
Hokuriku area traveler Pass Takayama
More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

1. Cherry blossom areas in Nagoya

Nagoya is the largest city in central Japan, so let’s begin from there. and within the city center, a good area to inspect out is Nagoya Castle, especially the Hommaru Palace. The original palace and castle were completely destroyed in 1945 but in 2018, its full restoration was finally completed.

But in spring, you’ll be even more energized to stroll around because around the castle grounds are 1,000+ cherry blossom trees painting the site pink!

Another incredible site is along the Yamazaki River, 2.5 kilometers of which are flanked by over 600 Yoshino cherry trees. also inspect out the many parks that shade Nagoya’s map including Tsuruma Park, Meijo Park, Arakogawa Park, and Togokusan Fruits Park.

2. Cormorant fishing at Kawaramachi, Gifu City

Kawaramachi is one of Gifu City’s many idyllic neighborhoods. Lodged on the banks of Nagara River, its residents relied on fishing for many of history. but tourists can also get to experience it, too!

Kawaramachi is finest understood for cormorant fishing. Cormorants are aquatic birds that can skillfully catch fish and keep them whole in its mouth and throat. For centuries, locals have been using them to catch ayu (sweetfish), which is a essential protein in the city. It is typically served at restaurants including Kawaramachi Izumiya.

While ayu is generally regarded a summertime delicacy, it starts to appear in late spring. So if you’re showing up after late May, you may be in for a treat!

Kawaramachi also harbors several bygone-era warehouses that have been transformed into shops and townhouses.

3. Udatsu wall historical District, Mino City

Speaking of bygone-era houses, another place where you could be transported to the olden times is the Udatsu wall historical district in Mino City, also in Gifu Prefecture. “Udatsu” refers to the firewall used on the ends of the roofs of the buildings to prevent fires. It’s the common denominator of the structures in the area, thus the name.

Mino City is also understood for creating washi, conventional Japanese paper. As a craft, washi is embedded in Japanese culture, which is why it’s thought about an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. Mino City is stated to embrace washi wholeheartedly that it showcases washi art throughout the city! That makes us really excited!

4. Takayama Old Town

From Mino Ota, we plan on taking the limited express Hida to Takayama! The old town is extremely available from Takayama Train Station, about 10 minutes on foot.

We’ve went to Takayama a few times, mostly as a stop on the method to or from Shirakawa-go. but Takayama has its own charms. From its well-preserved wooden vendor homes that took us to the Edo period to its morning market where we sampled local delicacies. At its shops, we were also able to have a taste of hida beef and Takayama ramen, which were both delish! We can’t wait to be back!

5. spring in Shirakawa-go

Cradled in the highlands of Gifu Prefecture, Shirakawa-go in Ono district appeals tourists year-round but it’s extra-special in spring. A UNESCO world Heritage Site, Shirakawa-go is one of Japan’s cultural treasures. It is finest understood for its renowned centuries-old Gassho-style thatched roof farmhouses, many of which have been converted into museums, inns, or guesthouses.

Yes, we’ve been here multiple times before but I definitely am always looking forward to run back to its arms!

6. Iwasehama Beach, Toyama

Back in the day, the coastal town of Iwase flourished, powered largely by its Kitamaebune-ship sea trading industry. many of its early-development buildings have been preserved, producing historic streets that visitors can still enjoy today.

Iwase-hama Beach, understood as Etchu Maiko, provides a stunning view of the Tateyama mountain range and attracts many tourists in the summer. but there are lots of locations to see and go to in other seasons as well, especially spring.

The finest method to go around Toyama is by taking the tram that runs with the city, linking many key attractions.

7. Seasonal seafood in Toyama

“Don’t leave Toyama without sampling its seafood,” they say. and among the rich ocean bounty that it offers, the white shrimp is perhaps on top of the list. Locally called shiroi ebi, it is stated to have gentle sweetness and strong sea taste.

Where to try this delicacy? one of the most suggested is the easily available Shiroebitei, which is found at Toyama Station. It typically serves shiroi ebi together with Toyama koshihikari rice.

Can’t get enough of Japanese food? another place in Toyama to stuff our deal with with fresh seafood is Shinminato Kittokito Ichiba, which provides a diverse range of seafoods. aside from the white shrimp, other must-try delicacies are the benizuwai crab and firefly squid! All these are seasonal but are available in spring!

8. Tonami Tulip Park

We’ve been to a lot of flower parks in Japan – from the lavender fields in Hokkaido to the vibrant rows of Kyushu – but we’re still thrilled to go to Tonami’s own! De ce? One word: tulips! many prefectures in Japan have selected an official flower and for Toyama Prefecture, it’s the tulip! After all, it is the top producer of this bulbous blooms in the country.

In spring, Tonami City explodes in color when the Tulip fair happens. At this time, you’ll find over 3 million of these flowers scattered around the city! everywhere you look you’ll find tulips! Tourists are also drawn to the Tulip Marche, a flower market near the tulip park.

9. Cherry blossom areas in Kanazawa

After a day of shrimps and tulips, it’s time to head for the city of Kanazawa. The capital of Ishikawa Prefecture, Kanazawa is another city that has done a great job in preserving and/or restoring is historical and cultural assets. We’ve been here a few times before and we can’t get enough of this city!

But its like for custom is many apparent at the atmospheric Kazue-machi Chaya District, finest understood for its old-school teahouses and restaurants sitting on the banks of Asano River. At sunset, the noise of shamisen and taiko drums fill the air as geisha perform. We were told that if we arrive in spring, our experience would be more wonderful because of the cherry blossom trees adorning the banks and hanging over the river.

Another sakura area is the park surrounding Kanazawa Castle. because April 2021, you can enjoy more than 400 sakura trees that are illuminated rom early to mid-April.

Nearby Kenrokuen garden is also a site to admire cherry blossoms. It was originally the outer garden of the castle but eventually established independently. This 11-hectare garden has 400+ cherry trees of different types. Kenrokuen illuminate is held aligning with the cherry blossom period every year. typically only about seven days between late March and mid-April, a spectacular sight that can only be seen in spring.

Other sakura areas include the Saigawa River Terrace and Mt. Okuutatsu Park.

10. Kanazawa’s Gold leaf Ice Cream

After admiring the flowers, let’s stroll around this area and eat gold! but no, don’t shove fashion jewelry down your throat. I’m speaking about gold leaf ice cream!

Kanazawa creates around 99% of all gold leaf that comes out of Japan. Unsurprisingly – er, actually, it’s still pretty unexpected to me – gold leaf also shows up in its cuisine, not just as part of the plate or utensils but also as part of the actual food. and there is no better method to try edible gold leaf than a soft-serve ice cream wrapped in a elegant gold leaf. one of the most suggested locations to try it is Hakuichi “Gold leaf Kagayaki Soft Ice Cream”.

It’s available year-round but because spring is when it starts to get warmer, ice creameste o reparație rapidă! În plus, când am fost prima dată la Kanazawa cu câțiva ani în urmă, nu am reușit să am un gust din ea pentru că am crezut că este la fel de scump. Dar coechipierii mei au facut ca si-au scufundat dintii in ea. Am fost atât de invidios pentru o vreme acum, așa că îl adăugați la acest itinerar. LAUGH OUT LOUD.

11. Parcul Rojo din orașul Komatsu

De când am fost pe tema floarelor de cireșe …

Doar în afara Kanazawa este orașul Komatsu, unde veți găsi Parcul Rojo, un alt site renumit pentru admirarea Sakura.

În primăvară, cireșii de cireșe sunt iluminați cu peste 600 de lămpi tradiționale de hârtie) adăugând un alt nivel de apel la flori, în special în floare completă. Parcul este, de asemenea, împodobit cu numeroase flori Wisteria. Dar este vorba despre calendarul, deoarece aceste flori sunt sezoniere.

12. River River Blossoms, orașul Fukui

Nope, suntem încă abuzați de a face cu flori de cireșe! Orașul Fukui are, de asemenea, o cotă echitabilă a petelor Sakura, multe în special de-a lungul râului Asuwa, care are un tunel de 2,2 kilometri n primăvara de Sakura! De fapt, a fost inclusă în top 100 de flori de cireșe, văzând site-uri din Japonia. Uită-te la aceste imagini pe care le-au trimis!

Fukui este, de asemenea, înțeleasă pentru bețișoarele convenționale WAKASA-NURI! La magazinul Wakasa-Koubou, puteți învăța cum să faceți o pereche sau doar să cumpărați ca suveniruri! Inspectați pentru mai multe informații despre a vă face bețișoarele aici!

13. Awara Onsen.

De asemenea, în prefectura Fukui se află Awara Onsen, unde puteți face o baie de relaxare într-una din celebrul lor izvoare fierbinți!

Onsen este unul dintre cele mai bune lucruri despre Japonia, deci dacă vă aflați în Chubu, obțineți ocazia de a merge la un site de izvoare fierbinți și să vă lăsați să vă spargă tensiunea departe! Sau la extrem de puțin, doar înmuiați picioarele în oricare dintre băile publice de picior pe care le puteți bucura gratuit!

Hokuriku Zona Traveler Pass Takayama

Dacă intenționați să verificați mai multe destinații în regiunea Chubu, luați în considerare obținerea unui călător de zonă Takayama-Hokuriku trece Takayama pentru a vă bucura de plimbări nelimitate pe trenurile de expres Express JR local și limitat, Hokuriku Shinkansen și autobuze de-a lungul traseului. Aceasta include Hokuriku Shinkansen de la Shin-Takaoka la Kanazawa.

Această trecere vă poate oferi economii masive de costuri și păstrați bugetul dvs. de transport scăzut, astfel încât să vă puteți bucura de mai multe dintre ceea ce oferă Japonia centrală! Inspectați ratele și mai multe informații aici! ✅.

Acest post vă este dat de turismul central al Japoniei.
2022 • 02 • 14

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PASSPORT renewal requirements & DFA appointment process

In general, passport renewal is much easier than applying for the first time. but is the renewal process still the same during the pandemic?

We recently renewed our passports, and based on our experience, it’s pretty much the same. Understandably strict implementation of safety protocols are observed and the office hours and daily capacity have been adjusted to ensure proper social distancing. but other than that, not much has changed.

Welcome to our step-by-step guide to DFA PASSPORT RENEWAL. In this post, we’ll share with you the requirements you need to prepare, the steps you need to take, and some additional reminders and tips you might want to remember. Again, this is for RENEWAL. If it’s your first time applying for a passport, check this article instead: new PASSPORT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS!

Ce este acoperit în acest ghid?

LIST OF PHILIPPINE PASSPORT renewal REQUIREMENTS1. online appointment Confirmation
2. duly Accomplished Form
3. current passport with photocopy of bio page
4. personal Appearance
If you’re holding a non-ePassport
If your name has changed
If the applicant is a minor
If your current passport is lost or damaged

STEP-BY-STEP PHILIPPINE PASSPORT renewal PROCESS1. schedule an appointment online.
2. accomplish the online Application Form.
3. settle the Processing Fee.
4. Head to the DFA site you picked.
5. claim your new passport.

FREQUENTLY ASKED questions (FAQs)What are the acceptable IDs?
How early can I renew my passport?
I still have valid visas in my old passport. Can I still use them after I renew?
Can I apply in the province even if I’m not a resident there?
Does everyone need to get an appointment before applying?
I didn’t get an email when I secured an appointment so I don’t know my reference number. Ce ar trebuii să fac?
Can I reserve multiple appointment slots for myself just in case I change my mind?
I can’t make it on my appointment schedule. Ce pot sa fac?
How to reschedule my appointment?
I missed my appointment. Ce pot sa fac?
I found an error on the application form. Can I still change it?
What should I work on first if I need to get a DSWD Clearance, passport, and visa for a minor?
Do I really need to appear personally at the passport site?
How long does the application process take?
How many days should I expect to wait for the release of my passport?

More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:


These are the requirements for the regular passport renewal:

1. online appointment Confirmation

You need to secure your slot by setting an appointment on the official website.

If you can, do it months before your desired travel date to give you enough lead time. due to the large volume of applications, slots fill up fast. We’ll discuss this further in the HOW-TO section below.

2. duly Accomplished Form

During the appointment process, you’ll be asked to fill out the application form so you don’t need to do this again. A link to your accomplished form will be sent to you via email and all you need to do is download and print it out (along with other attached documents).

But if, for whatever reason, you need a blank copy of the application form, you can get it here. You need to print it out on A4 size paper.

3. current passport with photocopy of bio page

Aside from the original copy of your current passport, you must also submit a photocopy of the bio page.

Usually, there are photocopy machines at the DFA center and photocopying services around the area. just to be sure, have it photocopied before your appointment schedule to avoid delays and wasting time.

4. personal Appearance

All applicants must be physically present at the DFA office on your appointment schedule.

The renewal process entails collecting your biometrics data and taking a photo of you. For passport photo capturing, take note of the proper attire or dress code. colored contact lenses and accessories like earrings, necklaces, or other facial piercings are not allowed during photo capturing.


DFA announced that birth certificates for passport renewals are no longer required, but there are some exceptions. You still need to present your birth certificate if:

You lost or damaged your current passport.

You are holding old brown or green passport with no complete middle name.

You are making changes in your personal information.

You are included in the DFA watchlist.

Depending on your status or your current passport’s condition, here are other possible additional requirements for passport renewal:

If you’re holding a non-ePassport

If you’re holding a non-ePassport, provide the following:

original current passport

photocopy of the bio or date page

valid ID and a photocopy (See list of acceptable IDs in the FAQ section below)

Note that not all passports are ePassports. An ePassport has an integrated circuit chip ormicrochip where the biometrics data are stored. The DFA only started issuing ePassports in 2009. how to know whether you have an e-Passport or a non-ePassport? Here’s how to distinguish:

ePassport: There is a chip sign or icon at the bottom portion of your passport’s front cover.

Non-ePassport: It may be brown, green, machine readable passports (maroon), or any older passports. It doesn’t have the chip sign or icon on your passport front cover.

If your name has changed

Additional documents to prove and support the name change must be provided. depending on your situation, these are the documents needed. note that these must be PSA-authenticated.

Certificat de căsătorie

Annotated Birth Certificate

Annotated marriage contract to show annulment/divorce/court ordered instruction

Death Certificate of Spouse

NOTE: You do not need to present your marriage contract if you recently married but you chose to keep your maiden name.

If the applicant is a minor

For minor applicants or those applying for a minor, these are the additional requirements:

Proof of affiliation and/or guardianship with one (1) photocopy. If you are presenting the minor’s Birth Certificate as proof, it must be PSA-authenticated. provide the original birth certificate printed on PSA security paper and a clear photocopy. If the PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate is not readable, get a copy from the local Civil Registrar.

School ID (if applicable)

Valid Government-issued ID of either parent with one (1) photocopy. See list of accepted IDs in the FAQ section below.

IMPORTANT! personal appearance of both the minor applicant and either parent (or authorized adult companion) is mandatory.

If only one parent is accompanying the minor, marriage Certificate must be presented. If the parents are unmarried, the mother must execute a special Power of attorney if she is not accompanying her child. special Power of attorney executed outside the Philippines must be authenticated by the Philippine embassy or Consulate in that foreign country.

If either parent can’t accompany the child for the application, a special Power of attorney must be executed by the parent to designate and authorize someone else to accompany and help the child through the application process. A copy of parent/s valid ID and/or passport attached to the special Power of attorney or Affidavit of support and Consent. The authorized adult companion must present his/her Passport or Valid Government-issued ID. See the list of acceptable IDs above.

If either parent is not traveling with the minor, DSWD Clearance and Affidavit of support and Consent must be submitted. Affidavit executed outside the Philippines must be consularized by the Philippine embassy or Consulate in that foreign country. The authorized adult companion must present his/her Passport or Valid Government-issued ID. See the list of acceptable IDs above.

NOTE: before the pandemic, minors aged seven (7) and below don’t need to secure an online appointment. They could just walk in and use the courtesy lane. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic health emergency, all courtesy lane service is strictly by appointment only.

Visit the DFA Consular website if you have other specific concerns and inquiries (no birth certificate, illegitimate child, etc.)

If your current passport is lost or damaged

Whether it’s an ePassport or non-ePassport, the process is the same for damaged or lost passport — new APPLICATION.

Therefore, you need to submit the requirements for a new passport application rather than the requirements for the passport renewal application. check the list of requirements here: new Application Requirements!

Dar asteapta! On top of the requirements for new passport application, you need to provide the following:

Lost VALID ePassport
– police report (English). submit the original and a photocopy.
– Affidavit of Loss (English). submit original and a photocopy.
– penalty Fee: PHP 350
– additional 15 days for clearing process

Lost EXPIRED ePassport
– Affidavit of Loss (English)
– penalty Fee: PHP 350

DAMAGED ePassport
– Surrender damaged passport
– Affidavit of Explanation
– penalty Fee: PHP 350

NOTES: If you lost your passport but were able to save a photocopy of it, you don’t need to present your birth certificate anymore, but make sure you bring that photocopy with you.

Visit the DFA Consular website or contact the DFA directly if you have other specific concerns and inquiries.


1. schedule an appointment online.

Walk-in applicants are normally not allowed except for emergency and special cases. regular and non-emergency applicants must secure their slots by setting an online appointment.

As much as possible, do it months before your desired travel date to give you enough lead time. Nowadays, if you try to secure an online appointment, the earliest available slot is more or less two months away. To give you an idea, say you decide to get an appointment inNovember, the earliest available slot might be in December, or if you’re unlucky, January.

But if you’re really unlucky, there may be no more slots available. In this case, you can either wait and try again another day or find an available slot in another DFA site.

How to set an appointment online?

Visit the DFA online Passport appointment System website.

Read the Terms and Conditions, and then tick the box. This means that you have understood the terms.

There are two options: individual appointment and group Appointment. choose the one that’s applicable to you.

Choose a DFA office/branch. select the one nearest you or the one most convenient for you. later on, you can change it and check other branches if you are having a hard time securing a slot with your first choice. hit the next button.

Select a date and time from the provided calendar. The earliest open date is noted above the calendar. The dates in green are AVAILABLE, while those in RED are FULL.

The most challenging and frustrating part is finding an available slot. There are just a lot of applications per day and slots are quickly filled. The DFA has taken steps to improve the system to serve applicants better, but it can still take a lot of attempts to finally find availability. You may check other branches or try again later.

You may also try some of these tips:

Ensure that you have strong Internet connection. When slots become available, they are snatched easily by other applicants. They will not wait for your network to keep up.

List down all your preferred dates. This will give you more options in case the date you originally want is already full. This will save you time too. instead of spending precious seconds weighing other dates, you already have shortlisted the most convenient dates for you.

Decide quickly. Again, you are beating time here, so you must be decisive because slots can be taken in a snap. You see the date you want is still available one minute, but then it’s gone the next. afternoon schedules are usually the first to get filled.

Reincarca Pagina. There are times when available slots pop out of nowhere. Well, these might be those slots reserved for applicants who failed to pay within the allotted time period.

Check the site regularly. As much as possible, the DFA opens additional slots daily. The system refreshes regularly, so check the site from time to time for possible additional slots.

Try searching at around these times: 6AM – 8AM, 12NN, and 9PM. available slots usually appear at these times, from Mondays to Saturdays (except holidays).

Search other DFA branches/offices. There are six (6) branches in Manila: DFA central (ASEANA), DFA NCR North (Robinsons Novaliches), DFA NCR Northeast (Alimall), DFA NCR West (SM Manila), DFA NCR east (Megamall), and DFA NCR South (Alabang). However, these NCR branches run out of slots real quick. If you desperately need to renew your passport, you may try looking at regional branches/offices.

UPDATE: In addition to the regular processing sites, the DFA has set up temporary Off-site Passport service (TOPS) facilities within Metro Manila that can process passport applications. Acestea sunt:

– Robinsons Las Pinas
– Robinsons Magnolia, Quezon City
– SM Aura, Taguig
– SM mall of Asia, Pasay
– SM North EDSA, Quezon City

But certain restrictions apply. Passports processed at any of these TOPS sites will be shipped via courier, adding an extra 3 to 5 working days. payment for TOPS is via credit CARD or DEBIT CARD ONLY! Make sure you have your card with you when you start the appointment process.

When you get a slot, you need to finish the next step within 20 minutes or lose that slot.

2. accomplish the online Application Form.

After you get a slot, you will be directed to the next step, which is filling out the four-page online application form. Remember, you only have 15-20 minutes to complete this so prepare the following information:

Informatii personale:

13 best things TO do in SAGA, JAPAN

It was Gerald Anderson and Julia Barretto who introduced Saga to me. In the film between Maybes, this humble, little-known prefecture became the setting of an unlikely romance. While Saga’s rustic charm sure feels cinematic, there is definitely more to this unassuming destination than what can be captured on cam.

Saga is one of the seven prefectures that make up Kyushu Island. located in the northwestern side of the island and situated next to Fukuoka, it is easily accessible. However, most tourists coming from Fukuoka, considered the primary gateway to Kyushu, breeze past this often overlooked destination in favor of Nagasaki. but there are many reasons to stop and take your time in Saga. aici sunt câțiva dintre ei.

Ce este acoperit în acest ghid?

Mifuneyama Rakuen
Yutoku Inari Shrine
Saga Prefectural government Office
Zombie Land Saga
Saga Balloon Fiesta
Saga Balloon Museum
Sagajoka Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival)
Ōuo Shrine (Floating Torii Gates)
Saga Beef
Sicilian Rice
Ureshino Tea
Ureshino Onsen
Tosu premium Outlets
How to get to Saga
How to get to Fukuoka
More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

Mifuneyama Rakuen

This was our most unforgettable stop in Saga. We visited in late November, so the entire site was clad in the fiery colors of fall.

Mifuneyama Rakuen is a picturesque garden in the shadows of Mt. Mifuneyama, a postcard-worthy mountain that looks like the hull of a ship. completed in 1845, this was originally built as the holiday home of Shigeyoshi Nabeshima, a feudal lord. Spanning 50 hectares, this sprawling park takes pride in its walking trails that will take you around the site including a still pond that mirrors its breathtaking surroundings perfectly.

The best time to visit is spring, when the cherry blossom trees — all 5000 of them — reach the peak of their bloom. aside from the sakura season, autumn is also a great time as the trees paint the site red and orange.

Entrance fee: ¥600
Hours open: 8am-5pm (may change on certain dates)
Nearest station: Takeo-Onsen Station.

Yutoku Inari Shrine

Welcoming over three million visitors annually, Yutoku Inari Shrine is undoubtedly one of the three most popular Inari shrines; the other two are Kyoto’s Fushimi Inari Shrine and Aichi’s Toyokawa Inari Shrine. most visitors flock to the Shinto shrine to ask for good family fortune, good business, traffic safety, and a huge catch. The whole complex is stunning. It has a gate, a bridge, a garden, small ponds, the main building, a museum, the numerous dark orange (or red) torii gates, and other beautiful buildings.

Admission Fee: FREE; For the Yutoku Museum: ¥300 (Adult) / ¥200 (Students) / ¥100 (7-15 y/o); For the Garden: ¥200
Opening Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Location: 1855, Furueda, Kashima City, Saga Prefecture
Nearest Station: JR Hizen-Kashima Station. travel time from JR Hakata station to JR Hizen-Kashima station is about an hour via limited express Train Kamome for around ¥3200. From the station, take the bus to Yutoku Inari Shrine. The bus fare is ¥320.

Saga Prefectural government Office

What will you be doing at a government office, you ask? The Saga Prefectural government office offers a 360-degree, unobstructed view from its observation floor (called Saga 360). To manage your expectations, it isn’t that tall. It stands only 50 meters, but it is the tallest building in the city. If the weather cooperates, you can even see Mt. Unzen, an active volcano in Nagasaki Prefecture.

If you can, visit at around sunset when the city is bathed in golden light. After admiring the vista, have a taste of Saga’s rich, delectable cuisine at Shino, a restaurant on the same floor. You can dig into some tender, juicy Saga beef and delicious sashimi.

If you visit at night, you can also enjoy a projection mapping show! more about that in the next section.

Observation Hall operating Hours: Weekdays, 8:30am-10pm; Saturdays, 10am-10pm; Sundays, 10am-9pm

Nearest train station: JR Saga Station. From here, you can take the bus from nearby Bus center to Kencho-mae bus stop. It’s a short walk from there. You can also walk straight from Saga Station, but it’s gonna take at least 20 minutes.

Zombie Land Saga

Over the past few years, one of the anime shows that made the biggest waves in Japan is Zombie Land Saga, which tells the story of Sakura Minamoto, a high school student who met an untimely death on the way to an audition. Years later, she was resurrected together with other zombies to form a 7-piece singing group called Franchouchou and promote Saga Prefecture.

That’s a very odd story concept — outrageous, even — but I have to admit that it’s very interesting. Obviously, this is fiction (duh), but the great thing about it is, Saga Prefecture embraced it!

In fact, at the observation deck of the Saga Prefectural government office building, you can enjoy a projection mapping show featuring Zombie Land Saga. It culminates in an exclusive animated concert. dar asta enu tot.

Deoarece multe dintre setările din serie s-au bazat pe locații reale care există în Saga, aceste locuri au devenit instantaneu site-uri turistice pe măsură ce mai mulți fani anime inundați. Unul dintre ele este fostul muzeu folcloric istoric al orașului Karatsu, care a fost prezentat la spectacol ca Baza de domiciliu a lui Franchouch. Alte spoturi includ castelul Karatsu și Drive-in Tori.

Saga balon Fiesta.

Un alt lucru pe care Saga este faimos? Baloane cu aer cald!

În fiecare an, în ultimii 40 de ani, Fiesta Internațională de Balon Internațional Saga se desfășoară în orașul Saga. Aceasta este cea mai mare competiție de baloane cu aer cald Asia, iar piloții din întreaga lume participă. Vizitatorii se învârte în această parte a lui Kyushu pentru a admira nenumărate baloane cu aer cald care decorează cerul. Acest lucru se întâmplă timp de cinci zile, de obicei în octombrie sau noiembrie.

Muzeul balonului Saga.

Dacă momentul dvs. este un pic cam dezactivat, puteți plăti o vizită la Muzeul balonului Saga în schimb și bucurați-vă de videoclipuri asemănătoare vieții cu Balloon Fiesta! Deschis publicului în 2016, acesta este primul fel din Japonia cu simulatoare de zbor și exponate care povestesc istoria balonării în Saga.

Taxă de intrare: 500 de yeni
Ore deschise: 10 am-5pm
Închis: sărbătorile de luni și Anul Nou
Adresa: 2-27 2Chome, Matsubara, Saga City
Cea mai apropiată stație de trenuri: stația JR Saga. De aici, puteți lua autobuzul din centrul de autobuz din apropiere spre stația de autobuz Kencho-Mae. E o scurtă plimbare de acolo. De asemenea, puteți merge direct de la stația Saga, dar va dura cel puțin 20 de minute.

Sagajoka Hinaamaturi (Festivalul de Doll)

Un alt eveniment anual ar trebui să încercați să prindeți este Sagajoka Hinamatsuri (Festivalul Doll al orașului Saga Castle), care se întâmplă în jurul zonei castelului Saga, Chokokan și Nagasaki Kaido.

Păpuși japoneze (împușcat în Oita, nu în Saga)
A avut loc la jumătatea lunii februarie până la mijlocul lunii martie, festivalul în sezonul de primăvară. În timpul celebrării, sute de păpuși tradiționale elegante, inclusiv cele din casa lui Nabehima, una dintre cele mai puternice clanuri din spate și accesorii de păpuși de argint din clanul Kuroda din Fukuoka.

Ōuo altar (porți plutitoare TOII)

În afară de fructe de mare proaspete delicioase, orașul Tara este acasă la altarul ōuo, cel mai cunoscut pentru porțile sale vermilion Torii.

Legenda are ca în anii 1700, un magistrat urât a fost abandonat în Okinoshima, o insulă în mijlocul Marii Ariake de pe coasta Saga. Nu văd nici un semn de salvare, sa rugat pentru mântuire. Un pește uriaș a apărut și l-au salvat. Când sa întors în Tara, a construit altarul ōuo în onoarea peștelui. Ōuo înseamnă “pește mare”. Porțile Torii sunt aranjate într-un mod care indică insula Okinoshima, unde totul a început, potrivit legendei, adică.

Locul este mai popular numit “Poarta Torii plutitoare a altarului Oouo”, deoarece la maree mare, par să plutească pe măsură ce apa se ridică deasupra bazei structurilor. Dar la maree, puteți trece prin porțile de pe uscat.

Adresa: 1874-9 Tara Oaza, Tara, Tara-Cho, Fujitsu-pistol, Prefectura Saga

Cea mai apropiată stație: stația Tara

Saga Beef.

Când vine vorba de Wagyu japonez, primele lucruri care ar veni în minte sunt kobe carne de vită sau carne de vită Matsusaka. Dar Japonia se mândrește cu alte mărci care sunt de asemenea sărbătorite pentru calitatea lor de înaltă calitate. Unul dintre ele este carnea de vită Saga.

Ca și Kobe Beef, Saga Beef vine de la bovine negre japoneze ridicate și hrănite în mediul ideal al prefecturii. Ca și brandurile de calitate superioară, este cel mai bine cunoscut pentru frumoasa marbă de carne și grăsime, aromă strălucitoare și delicată, aproape în textura gurii.

Siciliană Rice.

O altă delicatețe Saga pe care ar trebui să o încercați este așa-numita orez sicilian. Nimeni nu știe exact unde a primit numele sau cum este legată de insula italiană la jumătatea lumii, dar a devenit o specialitate regională.

Orezul sicilian este destul de simplu – orezul acoperit cu carne prăjită, salată de legume și o presare de maioneză. Fiecare restaurant care servește are propria lor versiune, o susținând cu un pansament mai complex sau schimbând tipul de carne. Mai multe instituții de upscale servesc cu carne de vită Saga sau cu carne de mistreț sălbatic, altele cu carne de vită sau pui obișnuit. Unele adaugă alte ingrediente. Dar în centrul său, este compus din orez, carne și salată.

Ceaiul Ureshino

Multe orașe din Japonia se pretinde la originea ceaiului verde japonez. Uji în orașul Kyoto și Hirado din Nagasaki sunt comercializate ca și locul de naștere al acestei băuturi bine iubite. Dar prefectura Saga nu poate fi redusă. Ca și celelalte cazuri, afirmația lui Saga este înrădăcinată în Eisai, un călugăr creditate pentru aducerea frunzelor de ceai din China. Unul dintre locurile unde se crede că a plantat de ceai a fost Mt. Sefuri, situat în Kanzaki, Saga. Mai târziu, sa vărsat la Ureshino vecină, care la îmbrățișat din toată inima și la dus la un alt nivel.

Astăzi, există o cultură puternică de ceai în această parte a Saga. Ureshina are condițiile potrivite pentru creșterea ceaiului de calitate. Peisajele sale sunt dominate de țările terorizate, acoperite în Groves.

Ceaiul verde este servit în majoritatea unităților din Saga. Unii chiar servesc de serviri, cum ar fiKiHaKo of YOSHIDAYA Cafe, which will allow you to taste three types of local green tea.

Ureshino Onsen

Tea isn’t the only thing that keeps the town of Ureshino hot and steaming. It’s also famous for hot springs!

Ureshino Onsen is a hot springs town in southern Saga. like most onsen towns, it is great place to just take a dip, relax, and recharge. but Ureshino’s alkaline water is also believed to have great benefits to the skin. around 60 ryokan and other establishments dot the map of the town.

When using an onsen, always remember the following:

No bathing suit or underwear allowed. strip down to your birthday suit. The thought of going completely naked can be unsettling, but trust me, no one gives an eff.

Wash and shower before you take a dip. sit on the provided stool while you wash. You’ll find liquid soap and shampoo near every shower space.

No swimming, jumping, diving, or any other disturbing activity!

Don’t let your hair or towel touch the water.

No loud noises. Păstrați liniștea.

Dry yourself with a towel before heading back to the locker room.

In most public onsen, people with tattoo are not allowed, at least not those with the big ones.

You’ll also find foot bath facilities around town!

Tosu premium Outlets

Modeled after a southern California town, the site feels a bit out of place in Saga, but it is one of the most popular shopping stops in this part of Kyushu. This vast shopping destination houses 160 outlet stores featuring both Japan’s homegrown brands and international labels including Coach, Gap, Citizen, Kate Spade, Vans, Under Armour, Ralph Lauren, Seiko, and Takeo Kikuchi.

If you’re not that much of a shopaholic (like us), there’s a food court where you can stuff your face with ramen, takoyaki, and more!

Hours open: March-January 10am-8pm; February, 10am-7pm
Address: 8-1, Yayoigaoka, Tosu-shi, Saga, Japan
Nearest train station: Yayoigaoka Station. From here, you can take the bus to Tosu premium Outlets.

How to get to Saga

Saga has its own airport, Saga airport (HSG), but it serves a very limited number of flights, mostly to and from Tokyo, Taipei, Shanghai, and Incheon. If you’re coming from other cities overseas, you are most likely going to land in Fukuoka international airport (FUK).

From here, you need to get to Hakata Station. Iată cum.

Once you’re at Hakata Station, catch a train to Saga. If your destination is Saga City, the cheapest way is by boarding the limited express Kamome train.
Travel time: 40-50 minutes.
Fare: ¥1,130 (one way)
Seat Fee: ¥840 (unreserved)
Total cost: ¥1,970 (one-way)

To see the schedule, you can check Hyperdia.

If you’re traveling from Fukuoka to Saga or you plan to explore many parts of Saga Prefecture and other prefectures, consider getting a JR Kyushu Rail Pass to save a lot on fares! On our most recent trip, JR Kyushu shouldered our journeys by giving us a free JR Kyushu Rail Pass so we could use it first-hand and see for ourselves how far it could take us.

The JR Kyushu Rail Pass comes in three versions: Northern, Southern, and ALL Kyushu. but let’s focus on the two passes only: northern and ALL Kyushu.

If you’re interested to see Saga, Fukuoka, Nagasaki and the northern halves of Oita and Kumamoto prefectures, the JR northern KYUSHU area PASS should be enough.
– Can be used for: local trains, limited express trains, and Hakata-Kumamoto Shinkansen
– Price: ¥8660 (3 days); ¥10,190 (5 days)
– number of seat reservations allowed: 10 (for 3 days), 16 (for 5 days)

If you’re also going to Miyazaki and Kagoshima, consider getting the ALL KYUSHU area PASS instead.
– Can be used for: local trains, limited express trains, and Hakata-Kagoshima-chuo Shinkansen
– Price: ¥15,280 (3 days); ¥18,330 (5 days)
– number of seat reservations allowed: 10 (for 3 days), 16 (for 5 days)

To give you an idea on how much savings you can get, here’s an example. Let’s say that yo

FLORENCE travel GUIDE: Itinerary, budget & things to Do

When we walked past the Duomo on our last night, the air carried a familiar classical tune coming from a string quartet positioned along an adjacent alley. The drizzling had stopped and a small crowd had gathered around them. Suddenly, a little young boy took his mother’s hand and together they danced to the melody, to the delight of other tourists, who viewed and snapped away.

It’s tender moments like this that made our time in this marvelous city for keeps. I felt it as soon as we emerged out of the Santa Maria Novella station when we arrived in the city. trying to find our guesthouse, we walked with 30+ kilos of luggage on our back. It’s been a long, tiring ride from Zurich and we could certainly use some rest. The concrete pavement turned into cobblestones, the streets looked to narrow alleys. A fost liniste. It was as though we were never tired. and for a moment, I felt like Diane Lane (hahahahahhaahhaha), playing with the Tuscan sun, peeking from the top of the heritage buildings. then one left turn and we were greeted by a enormous swarm of people, all admiring the Duomo. hi there, fellow tourists.

We never expected to fall in love with Florence. When we were planning this 16-country European tour, I prepared for Paris or Reykjavik to take my breath away, but it was Florence who stole my heart and ran with it. Easily, it became my favorite city. (Yosh’s most-loved remains Paris, though. but he’s a Francophile, so that’s not really surprising.)

Ce este acoperit în acest ghid?


Pocket Wifi Rental

HOW TO get around IN FLORENCEFlorence Hop on Hop off Bus Pass with Audio Guide
Guided walking Tours

THINGS TO do in FLORENCEAccademia Gallery
Piazza del Duomo
Pitti palace and Boboli Gardens
Piazzale Michelangelo
Other Florence Attractions

Assisi and Cortona Tour

WHERE TO stay IN FLORENCEWhere We Stayed: Bronze horse Guesthouse
Top budget hotels Under €60
See More: Florence Hotels

OTHER suggestions FOR THE poor TRAVELER
Mai multe sugestii pe mesajele YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Relate:


The city was founded as early as 59 B.C. during the medieval times, it was one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. but it is best known for giving life to the Renaissance in the 14th century, the period that gave us Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo. numerous elements contributed to the rise of Florence as a cultural epicenter. one of them: its ruling clan, the Medici, were substantial patrons of the arts. Art is the heart and soul of Firenze, which continues to inspire artists from around the world. Its streets are bursting with captivating architecture, sculptures, and even musicians and street painters trying to make a living.

Today’s Florence is a metropolitan hub and the capital of Italy’s Tuscan region, but its historic core remains intact, tucked at its center. It has 80 museums, not counting outside galleries that adorn its numerous piazzas. The city’s Old town attracts 13 million tourists a year, making it one of the most went to cities in the world.

Language: Italian. many signs have English translations.

Currency: Euro (EUR, €). €1 is roughly $1.11, PHP 55.94 (as of June 2017).

Modes of payment: numerous establishments accept credit report cards, but many still choose cash.

Electricity Info: 230 volts, 50 Hz. common sockets are type F, which also accept plugs that have two round pins (C and E).


In general, the period between October to may is alright, but April is the most comfortable weather-wise. This is when the cold is slowly giving way to the summer heat. It gets much hotter in the next months and peaks in August, the month you want to avoid. even the locals try to go out of town during this month to escape the heat.

If you delight in winter, January and February may be a terrific choice for two reasons: lower prices, thinner crowds. Florence is always jampacked practically any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. during our visit, we discovered that even in the middle of rain showers, the piazzas remain brimming with tourists, especially the area surrounding the Duomo.


Florence is served by Amerigo Vespucci airport (FLR), an international airport situated just 30 minutes from the city center. but the Galileo Galilei airport in Pisa is the largest in Tuscany. because the the two airports are connected by rail and bus, Pisa is also a good gateway to Florence. Pisa airport also serves numerous of Europe’s inexpensive carriers including EasyJet, RyanAir, Transavia, and Thomsonfly.


From Pisa Airport’s terminal 1, you can board the train to Firenze SMN Station. multiple trains ply this route per day so reservation is not needed. just purchase a ticket when you arrive. The journey takes 1.5 hours. Fare is fixed at €11.10.


If you’re on a bigger trip around Italy, you can easily reach Florence from Rome, Milan, Venice and other Italian cities by train. There are multiple trains a day.

There are two high-speed train companies in Italy: the state-owned Trenitalia and the privately owned Italo. Both use dynamic pricing (much like airlines). This implies that fares are not fixed. They change over time. Hence, it is best to book in advance. If you don’t have fixed plans yet, you can book on the same day, but expect to pay much more for your seat.

Usually, the most affordable fares are at €14.90 for Italo and €19.90 for Trenitalia. but Italo’s fare for some routes can go as low as €9.90 if you book way in advance. If you don’t have fixed plans yet, you can book on the same day, but expect to pay much more for your seat.


If you’re coming from other cities in Europe, the fast and low-cost option is typically flying. Intercity flights within Europe are surprisingly low-cost and they will save you a lot of time.

However, there are also trains available coming from outside Italy. There are day trains and overnight trains, depending on where you’re coming from. typically they make stops in another Italian City, typically Milan or Turin.

Din Paris. The most affordable option is to travel by high-speed to Turin (Travel time: 5h40; Fares from €29). Then, board an Italian train from Turin to Florence (Travel time: 2h45; Fares from €19.90). book the Italian train with Trenitalia.

From Zurich, Switzerland. Take a EuroCity train to Milan (Travel time: 3h26; Fare from €9) and then board an Italian train to Florence (Travel time: 1h40; Fare from €19.90).

From Munich, Germany. travel with German Railways to Verona, Bologna, or Venice (Fare starts at €9). then take an Italian train to Florence SMN (Fare from €19.90).ole trip, but this does


If you’re a Filipino citizen, you’ll need a Schengen visa. Here’s how to get a Schengen visa.

There are no direct flights from the Philippines to Florence. many routes entail a few layovers. A good option is to fly to Pisa instead. Pisa is easily accessible. Turkish Airlines and Qatar Airways fly to Pisa with stops in Istanbul and Doha respectively.


The fastest way to get to historic center from Florence airport is by bus. Bus ticket price for single trip is €5 (P281.25 or $5.57) and €8 (P449.35 or $8.92) for round-trip ticket. Take the Volainbus, operating from 06:00AM to 11:30PM and departs every 30 minutes in front of the airport. It will take you directly to Santa Maria Novella (SMN) Train Station, which is located just next to the Old Town.


Local SIM

If you own an open-line or unlocked phone (meaning, your phone can accept SIM cards from other carriers), this is your most affordable option. Italy has four main telco companies: Vodafone, TIM, Tre, and WIND. The first two have the best coverage and 4G data connection.

TIM for Visitors. Cost: 30€. includes 4GB of 4G internet, 100 minutes of international and national calls, and a SIM Card. Valid for 30 days. The price is fixed, but you will be encouraged to top-up to get much more data, especially if you’re a heavy user.

Vodafone Holiday. Cost: 30€. includes 2GB of 4G data, 300 minutes and 300 SMS to all Italian numbers and to your home country, and a SIM Card. There is a 1€ maintaining balance.

Before you decide to purchase an Italian SIM, take note of the following:

You can only get one at the physical store or booth. Activation can’t be done online. The challenging part is that it can be challenging if you don’t speak Italian, so make sure you know exactly what plan you want before approaching any store staff to avoid confusion. note that the name of TIM’s holiday package is “TIM for Visitors” and Vodafone’s is “Vodafone Holiday.”

Bring your passport to the store. SIM registration upon activation is required by law.

Have the staff set up the APN on your phone to be sure you have the settings right. This changes depending on the device you use.

If you’re a heavy data user, top up after activation so you don’t need to return to the store in the middle of your trip.

Pocket Wifi Rental

You can rent out pocket wifi before your flight.

If you’re coming from the Philippines, one of the brands you can use is Flytpack.

Flytpack charges P500 per day for Europe and an additional P2800 deposit, which you can get back after your trip.

Because it can connect multiple devices, you can split cost with your companions.

The unit comes with a built-in power bank, which guarantees you get to use it for an entire day trip without draining the batteRy.

Fiecare închiriere vine cu un adaptor universal. foarte util!


Dacă vă aflați în Filipine, puteți utiliza și serviciile de roaming ale furnizorului dvs. Tarifele vor varia în funcție de furnizorul dvs.

Globe Telecom: Au o mulțime de opțiuni de roaming. Puteți alege Roam viber (P199) sau Roam Facebook (P299) timp de 24 de ore. Sau să alegeți roamingul de date UNLI pentru p599. Puteți verifica toate tarifele prin accesarea paginii Globe Roaming

SMART: Ei au, de asemenea, serviciul UNLI de date de roaming numit Surf în străinătate pentru P550 sau TravelWifi pentru P390 pe zi cu date de 1 GB timp de 24 de ore. Puteți verifica site-ul lor pentru mult mai multe informații -> Smart Călătorind lumea

Aceasta nu este cea mai economică opțiune, dar roamingul are propriile sale avantaje. Postpaid Roaming este activat automat, deci nu trebuie să vă înregistrați sau să verificați un magazin sau să faceți un depozit. De asemenea, nu aveți un obiect gadget suplimentar pentru a vă încărca și a avea grijă de timpul călătoriei. Și dacă sunteți un grup, puteți activa hotspot-ul personal sau tethering pentru a împărți costul.

Cum să ajungi în Florența

Centrul istoric al lui Florența poate fi ușor explorat pe jos. De fapt, numeroasele străzi sunt doar pentru pietoni și blochează accesul la automobile. Cu toate acestea, poate fi în continuare foarte confuză. Google Maps ar trebui să vă poată ajuta cu navigarea.

Dar dacă doriți să explorați partea mult mai modernă a Florenței, puteți lua autobuzul sau tramvaiul. Linia de tramvai T1 rulează de la casa de vacanță Costanza (Scandici) la stația Santa Maria Novella (SMN). Puteți achiziționa biletele de tramvai de la stația SMN sau de la orice unitate autorizată – Farmacie, cafenele, standuri de ziare – care are un autocolant “ATAF”.

Există numeroase tipuri de bilete disponibile. Biletul comun poate fi utilizat o dată și este valabil timp de 90 de minute. Cel mai bun pentru a rezerva în avans, deoarece costă mult mai mult dacă achiziționați biletul la bord. Dar există și bilete de plimbare multiple, pe care le puteți utiliza de mai multe ori în aceeași perioadă de 90 de minute. Iată costurile:

1 bilet x 90 de minute (pre-rezervat): € 1.20

1 bilet x 90 de minute (la bord): € 2.00

2 bilete x 90 de minute: € 2.40

4 Bilete X90 minute: 4,70 €

Biletele de durată mai lungi sunt, de asemenea, disponibile, dacă intenționați să utilizați frecvent sistemele de tramvai și autobuz.

Bilet de 24 de ore: 5 €

Bilet de 3 zile: 12 €

Bilet de 7 zile: € 18

De asemenea, puteți utiliza biletele ATAF în autobuz.

Florența Hop pe Hop Off Bus Pass cu ghid audio

Imagine de amabilitate a lui Klook
Dacă sunteți un fan al hop-ului în autobuzul de sus, există și unul care operează în Florența. Acest lucru vă va duce la unele dintre atracțiile esențiale ale orașului. Fiecare scaun vine cu un ghid audio multi-lingual, partajând informații despre fiecare loc.

Passul este disponibil în variante de 24 de ore, 48 de ore și 72 de ore.

✅ Rezervă o trecere aici!

Ghid tururi de mers pe jos.

Deși turneul Florența se poate face în stil DIY, veți putea aprecia mult mai mult orașul și istoria sa, dacă vă alăturați unui tur ghidat. Excursii de mers pe jos vă vor duce la atracții esențiale cum ar fi Cattedrale di Santa Maria Del Fiore, baptitorii și clopotul Giotto, cu un ghid care discută importanța fiecărei opriri.

Klok oferă o călătorie în engleză, spaniolă și italiană. Călătoria face o oprire la Piazza Duomo, Piazza Signoria și Ponte Vecchio, printre altele. Un ghid va conduce turul, împărtășind perspective esențiale despre fiecare oprire de-a lungul drumului. Călătoria în limba engleză costă 13,20 euro pe persoană.

✅ Rezervați un slot aici!

Există și excursii de mers pe jos gratuite în Florența.

Lucruri de făcut în Florența

Galeria Accademia.

Imagine oferită de Klook
Galeria Accademia a fondat în 1784 și este Muzeul unde puteți vedea bine-cunoscutul sculptură din Michelangelo David.
Adresa: Prin Ricasoli, 58/60, 50121 Firenze, Italia
Taxă de admitere: 8,00 € (€ 12,50 în timpul exponatelor) a scăzut 4,00 € (6,25 € în timpul exponatelor)

Dacă aveți nevoie de un ghid, puteți rezerva o călătorie de la Klook, care include un bilet Skip-the-Line.

✅ Rezervați un slot aici!

Piazza del Duomo.

Piazza del Duomo, locația uneia dintre cele mai uluitoare biserici pe care le-am văzut vreodată: Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore sau Il Duomo di Firenze. Structura enormă